Items placed in a storage unit are subject to the interior environment of the unit, just like they are subject to the temperature and humidity of an attic, basement, or garage. Humidity, in particular, must be controlled, as countless materials and belongings can be damaged by either high humidity or conversely low humidity. This then begs the question: Is a small humidifier needed for storage units? The answer is that you’ll only need a small humidifier if you store your items in a unit that doesn’t offer temperature and humidity control.
How High Humidity Can Damage Your Belongings
Humidity is the term used to describe the amount of water vapor in the air. High humidity means that there is a lot of water vapor in the air. Unfortunately, most items that we own absorb moisture from the air, which can damage them. Examples of materials that absorb moisture from the air around them include wooden items, fabric items (mattresses, linens, clothing, curtains, etc.), paper items, leather items, and more.
High humidity promotes the growth of mold and mildew. It can also attract pests, and cause items to swell, or otherwise become misshapen. High humidity can also cause corrosion in electronics.
How Low Humidity Can Damage Your Stored Items
Low humidity can also pose threats of damage to your stored items. With insufficient water vapor in the air, your stored items are subject to drying out. Low humidity can affect items such as paintings, stamp collections, paperwork, and art. For example, low humidity can cause your art to shrink, paint to become brittle, or even crack.
Although you may be inclined to put a small humidifier in a storage unit with low humidity, the unit may not offer an electrical outlet. You’ll also need to keep the small dehumidifier filled with water to keep it functioning properly. Of course, there is also no way to regulate how much water vapor is being produced in the unit, and you run the risk of making the air in your unit too humid, which can damage your belongings. The solution again is to select a storage unit with climate control.
Difference Between Temperature Control and Climate Control in Storage Units
Some storage units offer temperature control, while others offer climate control. A temperature-controlled unit will keep the temperature stable, so your items aren’t subjected to extremely elevated temperatures or extremely low temperatures. Climate-controlled storage units, on the other hand, will manage both the temperature in the unit and the humidity in the unit.
Keep Your Belongings in Storage Safe from Humidity
At Armored Storage in Eugene, we’ve invested in state-of-the-art temperature and climate control that includes heat, cooling, and dehumidifying systems. Our sophisticated HVAC system boasts a vapor barrier beneath the concrete floors to ensure that your belongings are not damaged by humidity while in storage. With 20 sizes of units to choose from, in the most secure storage facility in Lane County, Armored Storage is here to help you protect your items from damage while in storage. To learn more, send us a message or call 541-688-1301.